Posts tagged Ian Aguilar
Are Bonds a Safe Investment?

For most investors at or nearing retirement, bonds have long been a place where you can go to get a secure and predictable stream of income. That experience that many have gone through since the 1980s is now being questioned as to whether it will continue for the years to come. The bond market through the first 3 quarters of 2022 has been historically bad and some would say doesn’t seem to offer much hope for the “bond-like” returns that we’ve grown accustomed to.

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What are Good Investments in a Recession?

Whenever markets start to face some head winds, one of the most common questions to come thereafter becomes, “what to invest in during a recession?”. The easy answer is that there are no recession proof investments out there. The more realistic answer is that not all recessions are built the same way. Some recessions are due to pandemics, while others can be due to rising interest rates, a faulty housing dynamic, over extended stock markets, or a number of things.

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