Inherited Retirement Accounts
(IRA, 401K, 403B, 457, PENSIONS)
When the death of the owner is before the Required Beginning Date (RBD), the date that you begin to be forced to take distributions from retirement accounts;
Spouse is sole beneficiary
(4 options)
Roll assets into personally owned IRA
Transfer assets to an inherited IRA
Distribute assets using the 5-year rule
Take a lump-sum distribution
When the death of owner is after the Required Beginning Date (RBD) options are:
Spouse is sole beneficiary
(3 options)
Roll assets into personally owned IRA
Transfer assets to an inherited IRA
Take a lump-sum distribution
Non-spouse beneficiaries
(3 options)
Transfer assets to an inherited IRA
Distribute assets using the 5-year rule
Take a lump-sum distribution
Non-spouse beneficiaries For those whom the original account owner died January 1, 2020, or after:
(2 options)
Transfer assets to an inherited IRA and in most cases be required to distribute all assets from the inherited IRA within 10 years following the death of the original account holder.
Take a lump-sum distribution