Our Job: make your job…optional! - Here’s How!
When can I retire?
How much money do I need to retire?
What is the best way to invest in retirement?
What age should I draw Social Security?
Our Job: make your job…optional! - Here’s How!
When can I retire?
How much money do I need to retire?
What is the best way to invest in retirement?
What age should I draw Social Security?
Many people spend longer in retirement than they actually spend working!
Retirement is not the end of the road - but the beginning of a new and exciting life chapter! Just as your life will change when you retire, you must also make occasional changes to your retirement plan to stay on track. Examples of how we help clients improve their chances of a successful retirement are listed below.
WHEN Can I Retire?
This is the most common question we help clients answer every day.
When can I retire? How much to I need to retire? How do I get health insurance if I retire early? How can I minimize taxes in retirement? What is the best Social Security strategy - for me?
And finally - as that day approaches ... we help you do the steps correctly.
What do I do with my 401k when I retire? How do I rollover my 401k? How should you invest in retirement? We answer these questions - and help you move forward.
"Our JOB is to make your job... OPTIONAL!"
No matter how well you invest... if you give that return to Uncle Sam... it’s wasted! Tax laws change often and today’s markets move fast, making “set-and forget retirement investing,” or “buy-and-hold” retirement strategies obsolete.
We keep up with the changes, and work hard to help you make the adjustments necessary to keep more of your own money in retirement.
Examples of our strategies include tax harvesting, cost basis reset, sequential Roth conversions, "backdoor Roth," tax-friendly ETFs, tax-free income, and others.
social security strategies
When should you take Social Security? Should you collect Social Security at 62, your FRA, or wait till age 70? The answers may surprise you!
Taking Social Security early - at age 62 - means retirement income sooner. Waiting until later may mean you have to spend more of your nest egg early on in your retirement. Which is best?
We help our clients make these retirement planning decisions before they ever file for their Social Security benefits. Often, when they file for their Social Security, they have a report we prepared for them, detailing the strategy they should use to get the most benefit from Social Security - based upon their unique situation.
How can you turn your nest egg assets like your IRA or 401k into dependable retirement income that can last you for decades? Should you roll over your 401k, or leave it parked? When is a Roth IRA the right option for you?
We’ll demystify these concepts and more in this video, walking you through what you need to know about the two distinct phases of retirement planning: 1) the accumulation phase, and 2) the withdrawal phase - when you’re finally ready to write your next chapter and live the retirement of your dreams.
How to optimize your retirement income and which account to take it from